– Albert Einstein
This Tuesday, June 8 is Best Friends Day . On “Bestie” Day, why not make a three-hour, exclusive date with your BFF [Best Friend Forever]: You!
The special date with yourself could include walks, a lovely meal, stroll through a museum and contemplating beautiful, natural settings as in this week’s awesome Featured Video [try to view on a desktop screen]. A precious part of these three hours is that you can shed expectations and agendas. Research has shown that those who allow themselves quiet time are better able to problem solve, get along with others and are freer from depression. Read more.
Best Friends Day was started to show the most important people and pets in our lives just how much we adore them, and to memorialize those beloved best friends that are no longer by our sides. To honor that day, here are 10 inspiring ways to be a better friend.
This Post’s Special Video

This week’s Featured Video presents gorgeous views of our awesome world. Beautiful. Exhilarating. Enjoy. [03:55] Click picture to view.
Because I’m so concerned about conditions in this country, this Food for Thought is offered.
Once upon a time, some believed that if the wealthiest paid fewer taxes, the money they kept would flow in ways that helped everyone. Human nature being what it is, the past thirty years have shown that Trickle Down economics has been a money boomerang. The wealthiest have used the income they kept to make themselves richer [see chart below]. Read more.
In 1944, those with stratospheric earnings paid 94% of their income in federal taxes. Imagine the condition of this country’s dilapidated schools, roads, health care, educational resources and other troubling conditions if those making millions and billions a year were taxed as they were during the 1940s and 1950s.
Remember, taxes are how local, state and the federal government provide services and protect citizens. Consider: Perhaps the concern with taxes should not be the amount but ROI [Return on Investment], how taxes are spent to keep citizens safe, well educated, healthy, pay government salaries and expenses, and improve everyone’s Quality of Life.
Graphics reprinted with permission from EconomicsHelp.org.
Blessings & best wishes,
Sandra Gould Ford
Presenting arts experiences to encourage, refresh, enrich creative thinking and inspire