Better Tomorrows
I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday. — Eleanor Roosevelt So, if today’s decisions...
Welcome to inspirations and wisdom especially chosen to encourage, refresh, enrich creative thinking and inspire.
Encouragements, wisdoms and insights from Eleanor Roosevelt, the first lady who saw the United States through World War II, diplomat and human rights activist, Quotes are illustrated by beautiful photographs of wild places/
I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday. — Eleanor Roosevelt So, if today’s decisions...
Someone once asked me what I regarded as the three most important requirements for happiness. My answer was: A feeling...
What could we accomplish if we knew we could not fail? — Eleanor Roosevelt Walker Hayes’ “Fancy Like” is now...
Enjoy every minute – Eleanor Roosevelt Sometimes, we must be sad or solemn, worried or wary, angry or aggravated. Inc reminds...
Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. — Eleanor Roosevelt Of what might happiness be a by-product? The...
Before we can make friends with anyone else, we must first make friends with ourselves. — Eleanor Roosevelt “Friendship improves...
Each generation supposes that the world was simpler for the one before it. — Eleanor Roosevelt In the United States,...
For our own success to be real, it must contribute to the success of others. — Eleanor Roosevelt In Invisible...
As long as there must be war, I ask and I must answer: Was I worth dying for? — Eleanor...
This too shall pass. — Eleanor Roosevelt Earth spins at a thousand miles an hour. Our sun hauls its planets...
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