When life offers lemons, make lemonade.
The lemon life delivered this week was my experiment with sweetening the Artisan Bread mentioned in my last post. When a reader wrote that he was going to try the recipe, I advised: Adding sugar and dried fruits didn’t go well. Must run an advisory in next week’s post. Turned out a bit tangy. [Will stick with muffin recipes for that kind of thing.] Perhaps I used too much yeast for the heavier, non-wheat flours.
Here’s how I made ‘lemonade’ from that bitter bread:
- Crumbled everything while watching Chopped-Beat Bobby Flay.
- Put all those crumbles on cookie sheets, baked them for four hours at 200 degrees. [They got really crunchy.]
- Made granola with this recipe
- Decided that was a way lot of maple syrup and honey for a couple servings [made with my dehydrated bread, it tasted like peanut brittle candy], so …
- Pulverized remaining crumbles in my seed-coffee grinder and now have fine-ground bread crumbs.
Voila! Stumbles can be stepping stones. As the philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Geothe said, “By seeking and blundering, we learn.”
Learn what? Astronomer Carl Sagan suggested “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”
And, I promise, no more Artisan Bread posts!!

“Sometimes you need to get knocked down before you can really figure out what your fight is and how [you] need to fight it.”
Chadwick Boseman’s 2018 Howard University Commencement Address
Thank you, Chadwick Boseman. Blessings.
Commencement Speech Transcript

Succeed and Soar’s LOVE theme starts in October.
Write for Succeed and Soar
Succeed and Soar’s next theme is “Love.” Twenty great quotes have been chosen as prompts. Let me know if you’d like to share your thoughts, meditations, memories, opinions, and the list of quotes and guidelines will be sent asap.
I look forward to publishing you in the Succeed and Soar newsletter and on the blog.
Click Here to be a Guest, Succeed and Soar Author.
Tales from The Dream Zone & “Wishes”
Tales from The Dream Zone is Flying Ketchup Press’ second anthology. This collection of weird and wonderful stories is inspired by remembered or imagined dreams. “Wishes,” my short story about a magic coin debuts in this collection.
Copies of this beautifully illustrated book are $12.99.
Sandra’s Special, Limited-Time Offer
Receive unlimited, personally-autographed copies on single orders, to one US address for $5 shipping & handling. Request here.
In 2019, nearly a half million people started National Novel Writing Month, determined to build at least 50,000 words into the start of a book-length story. A few succeeded. Far more important than piling up words is producing useful material. This Pennwriters workshop will use October to launch a fabulous writing adventure at midnight, Halloween night while winning the word-count challenge.Join me. I’m a NaNoWriMo winner and learned a lot along the way. Course Info
When life offers lemons:
- Stay flexible. Accept that we can’t control everything and life is unpredictable.
- Maintain good, healthy relationships with family and friends.
- Learn from situations so that history doesn’t repeat itself.
- Stay positive.
Here are four more tips.
And, here are Five, Powerful Ways to Turn Adversity Into Opportunity.
Please share.

Because I love morning glories and they grow in my back yard, a photographic collection was created. This image of a leaf and flower bud was shot with a Nikon Coolpix camera. To attain the Rembrandt-like, painted effect, the jpg was first processed through the Accented Edges, Colored Pencil and Watercolor filters in Microsoft Digital Image Suite [I keep a copy on an older computer]. The image was then enhanced with several, Adobe PhotoShop lighting tools.
Each week, my Featured Art is offered at 25% off [plus any discounts offered by my Galleries]. Shop here.
Thank you for visiting my galleries and for your purchases. They support Succeed and Soar.