It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
– Albert Einstein
The one time I met Great Aunt Hattie [she married my grandfather’s brother Jesse], that big woman with her sunshine brightness taught me about generous spirits. When my dad refused her money and wouldn’t buy my sister and I small fruit pies, she scoffed affectionately and told him to go on down to the corner store and get her little grand nieces those treats. Yeah!!
My mother’s older sister Irene loved to throw Saturday night Pokeno parties with rich treats she shared from homes where she worked in wealthier neighborhoods. Hospitality!!
Funny, the things children remember. I’m so glad to have been educated by ladies who awakened joy in special kinds of creative expression and knowledge of big-hearted spirits.
After all, we’re all teachers, all the time.
Shop “Raindrops,” this week’s Featured Art
Featured Video

This week’s Featured Video in the “Beautiful Nature Scapes” series shows the beauty and marvels of surfing the world’s biggest waves. Enjoy. [03:54] Click picture to view.
Sunday, May 23rd is World Turtle Day, a special time to protect turtles, tortoises and their homes.
Did you know that while all tortoises are turtles, not all turtles are tortoises. Although both animals are encased in bony shells and lay eggs, a few big differences include:
- Tortoises cannot swim. Their heavy, dome-shaped shells would sink them. Turtles are water animals with lighter, more aerodynamic shells.
- Tortoises have stubby, elephant-like legs. Turtle legs are webbed and can even be flippers, all designed for swimming.