Love is our most unifying and empowering common spiritual denominator. The more we practice its potential to bring greater balance and deeper meaning to human existence, the more likely we are to create a glorious future of man’s humanity to man.
In this fifth and final “Love Is” post [for now], Aberjhani’s quote above has been adjusted a bit. Here are his exact words.. In the meantime, consider two recipes from The Writ-by-Hand cookbook, 1983.
- Mend a quarrel
- Search out an old friend
- Dismiss suspicion
- Show your trust
- Write a letter
- Share some treasure
- Give a soft answer
- Encourage youth
- Manifest your loyalty
- Don’t give up
- Keep a promise
- Find the time
- Forego a grudge
- Forgive an enemy
- Open your heart
- Apologize if you were wrong
- Try to understand
- Boot out envy
- Think first of someone else
- Appreciate, be kind, be gentle
- Laugh a little more
- Do a good job
- Deserve confidence
- Reach out
- Fight prejudice
- Express your gratitude
- Gladden the heart of a child
- Take pleasure in the beauty of nature
- And always trust in God.
How many more can you add?
Etta M. Andrews shared this recipe.
How to Preserve A Husband
Be careful in your selection. Do not hoose too young and take only such varieties as have been reared in good moral atmosphere.
When once decided upon and selected, let the past remain forever settled and give entire thought and preparation to domestic use.
Some insist on keeping them in a pickle, while others keep getting them into hot water.
Even poor varieties may be made sweet, tender and good by garnishing them with kisses. Then wrap well in a mantle of charity. Keep warm with a steady fire of domestic devotion and serve with the fruits of constant devotion and milk of human kindness.
When thus prepared they will keep for years.
Annie Laurie Boswell Taylor shared this recipe. [She did not know the source.]
I purchased the first and second volumes of this cookbook when visiting Crawfordville, Georgia. That’s where my mother’s mother was born and raised and where her mother was born during the Civil War.
I was trying to understand Pinkie Gunn Ellington, my great grandmother by walking the land where she’d known slavery. You, too, have visited Crawfordville if you’ve seen the movies. Sweet Home Alabama, Get Low, Coward of the County, Home Fires Burning, Paris Trout, Summer of My German Soldier, Stars and Bars, Carolina Skeletons, Passion for Justice, Neon Bible, or Pushin’ Up Daisies.
I plan to [finally] make recipes from The Writ-by-Hand cookbooks this year, including Cracker Jacks [from Leona Jones], Mississippi Mud [a cake from Mrs. W. C. Jones] and Salt Rising Bread [from Mrs. Lily S. Gunn].

- “It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other.” ~ My Best Friend’s Wedding ??
- “It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.” ~ Great Expectations ??
- You’re the first boy I ever kissed, Jake, and I want you to be the last.” ~ Sweet Home Alabama
- “I wish I had done everything on earth with you” ~ The Great Gatsby.

Five versions of my “Before All Else” Illustrated Wisdom art have been created with Adobe Photoshop. See them in upcoming posts. Support and encourage Succeed and Soar. Purchase the art as prints, ready-to-display canvas or framed from my galleries.
Quiz Answers
- “It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other.” ~ Good Will Hunting
- “It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.” ~ The Fault In Our Stars
- You’re the first boy I ever kissed, Jake, and I want you to be the last.” ~ Sweet Home Alabama
- “I wish I had done everything on earth with you” ~ The Great Gatsby.