Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
Maori Proverb
They’re blooming!
These Jerusalem Artichokes [also called Sun Chokes] began in my neighbor’s yard. Year-by-year, bit-by-bit, they migrated to mine. By the time the house was torn down, none grew next door … until I tossed a few flowers into the vacant lot. Four years later, a little grove is growing with flowers steadfastly, insistently facing toward warmth and sun. What lovely inspirations as autumn nears and winter follows.
BTW, the flowers’ roots are tubers, a vegetable that tastes like a blend of potato and artichoke heart. They improve digestive health, keep bones strong, have lots of vitamins C, A and E, antioxidants that fight disease. They go great in salads, can be added to soups and ground into flour. Read more.

While watching this 90-second video, remember the Yiddish proverb, “What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.”
Also, check out Rihanna’s video, “Towards The Sun.”

Imagine accessing billions of books, videos, audio materials [including live concerts] and more for free.
The Internet Archive’s goal is to provide Universal Access to All Knowledge. They began in 1996 by archiving the Internet itself and now have:
- 200,000 software programs
- 330 billion web pages
- 20 million books and texts
- 4.5 million audio recordings (including live concerts)
- Millions of videos (including Television News shows)
- 3 million images
They even have out-of-print books published before 1923, which was how I found this great resource.
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“Jerusalem Artichokes” was photographed with a Nikon CoolPix camera on an overcast day and ‘developed’ with Adobe Photoshop Elements 14. The image was processed through both the Watercolor and Accented Edges Filters along with enrichment of the color saturation and vibrance as well as lighting.