Life is a luminous halo, a semi-transparent envelope surrounding us from the beginning of consciousness to the end.
–Virginia Woolf

Click Here to ViewSee Also:
The Human Luminous Energy Field, 1 minute
Star Magnitude (Brightness) Explained, 11 Minutes
Introduction to Astronomy, 16 Minutes
Absolute Magnitude is the brightness of stars and galaxies when viewed from 10 parsecs, 3.26 light years or 19.2 trillion miles. Apparent Magnitude would be the brightness of celestial objects when seen from Earth.
Luminous means to glow or shine by either emitting or reflecting light. Luminous can also mean intelligence or types of ideas. People can also be luminous. said,
“You integrate light by building consciousness, adding order and organization to your energy field. These energy shifts then translate into your physical, emotional, and mental bodies … by simply paying attention and responding to the feedback life is giving you through your challenges and your opportunities.”
In “How to Become Luminous,” Dr. Christopher Buck wrote, “Luminosity is the phosphorescence of the spirit.”
To achieve this state, Inspirited.Co reported, Becoming, “homo luminous … means loving ourselves despite, or perhaps because of, our imperfections and the complex layers of emotion we can feel. It means embracing everything it is to be human, the desires, the mistakes, the emotional outbursts, and loving THAT.”
In “Be A Luminary,” said,
Luminaries are everywhere. They are creative, adaptable, open-minded, highly intelligent, and extremely stable. Luminary conversations are usually about building up, practicing kindness, and hoping for the future. In addition, Luminaries tend to be imaginative and somewhat impulsive. They shed light and optimism on a dark and relentlessly challenging world.
How can individuals achieve Absolute Magnitude? Body Helix recommended,
Seek out luminaries. … Read about them. Highlight their contributions whenever you can. Thank someone this week for having made a positive, luminous impact on your life. When you begin to recognize and appreciate the path of the luminary, you are on your way to becoming a luminary. It’s a lovely place to live!
A goal? Body Helix suggested these lyrics from John Lennon’s song,
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Succeed and Soar!
Sandra Gould Ford
Presenting arts experiences to encourage, refresh, enrich creative thinking and inspire.
Record dreams, hopes, plans and achievements in beautiful, inspiring notebooks.
- 6” x 8, spiral notebook
- 120 pages, ruled on both sides
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