Super Tasty, Super Healthy Length: 3 Minutes 36 Seconds To view, Use This Link: https://youtu.be/TQOzb_lf4vw
To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.
–Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Succeed and Soar’s first Thrive! post [about hibiscus tea] opened with Hippocrates wisdom: Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. Lemon Balm is a great example.
This herb [also called Balm Gentle] is a mint enjoyed for its delicious, lemon-scented fragrance that is used in perfumes and aromatherapy. The herb is pretty and grown as a garden ornamental. Lemon balm is used fresh and dried to flavor salads, soups, sauces, stuffings, even candies, liqueurs and wines. Organic Facts adds that Lemon Balm, tea, helps with, “anxiety, insomnia, cold, cough, flu, respiratory infection, fever, painful menstrual cramps, herpes, bloating, flatulence, headaches, high blood pressure, and insect bites. Read more.
Medical News Today posts, “Traditionally, people use lemon balm to help improve mood and cognitive decline and decrease anxiety levels.” Also, “for a variety of purposes, ranging from digestive health to healing wounds.” And the plant is both easy to grow [too easy, it’s a spreader] and comes in several varieties: aurea, citronella [the bug repellant], lemonella, lime, quedlinburger and variegated.
Dr. Health Benefits reports that these plants contain compounds like folic acid [a vitamin B that helps the body maintain cells and prevent DNA changes], glucoside [helps skin remain elastic and resist UV damage], Succinic acid [reduces fatigue, builds endurance and speeds recovery from illness and surgery] and more.
As for lemon balm’s side effects, Dr. Health Benefits cautions glaucoma patients because of “increased pressure on the eyes that can aggravate the condition.” Organic Facts mentions, “occasional nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and dizziness.”
One way or another, all medicines come from the earth. Lemon balm is one.
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