– Albert Einstein
Coincidences are events and circumstances, accidents, serendipity and twists of fate that connect in remarkable ways. The most common are:
- Thinking of calling someone and they unexpectedly call
- Knowing who’s calling without checking the phone screen or hearing a personalized ring tone
- Thinking of an idea then hearing or seeing it on the radio, television or internet Read more
Carl Jung called meaningful coincidences ‘synchronicity.’ They’re related events that have no natural connection. Have you experienced a coincidence that linked you to someone for whom you care deeply though thousands of miles apart? Have you walked or driven somewhere you needed to be without understanding why, like turning right instead of left for no reason and avoiding an accident?
What if these experiences are as Einstein suggests? What a magical world. What amazing lives life makes possible. Here’s how to use and create more coincidences.
By the way, next week offers lots of tasty observances:
- Monday June 14 if National Strawberry Shortcake Day
- Wednesday is National Fudge Day.
- Thursday, the 17th is time to celebrate Apple Strudels and Cherry Tarts.
Shop “Sunflower,” this week’s Featured Art .
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Because I’ve long been concerned about the quality of existence, I’ve noticed how people protect life after human hearts start beating, which can last decades.
As many debate Pro Life-Pro Choice issues, remember abort means to terminate prematurely, to interfere with development and/or to stop before completion.
As we seek ways to succeed and soar, shouldn’t our goal be to protect humans from abortion at all stages, whatever the age, whenever-wherever people’s hearts are beating?
Image Source: PNGTree