In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
– Albert Einstein
While in the Pacific Northwest, I learned to make flower essences and that some plants have helpful energies. In this belief system:
- Heartsease provides gentle comfort and solace for a broken heart.
- Bleeding Hearts vibrations release the pain of broken relationships.
- Self-Heal is a mint whose name means, “that with which one may cure oneself without the help of a surgeon.”
- Snapdragons slay harsh and negative speech patterns.
One of my most inspiring flowers is the Black-Eyed Susan. With its sun-gold petals radiating from a dark center, this perennial visually and beautifully expresses this week’s Einstein wisdom, that from life’s shadows, brightness can bloom.
BTW, this flower discussion is not meant to replace medical advice but to offer fresh insights. As I was taught, flower essences have subtle, gradual and enduring effects. Use should be guided by those with substantial understanding of the practice. Read more about healing with flowers.
Blessings & best wishes.
Special Days This Week
May 18th is No Dirty Dishes Day. Here are ways thesyndromemag suggests avoiding dirty dishes. Eat finger foods over the sink. Pour cereal and milk straight into your mouth. Read more.
The 20th is National Be a Millionaire Day, a great time to pretend to be a millionaire or start working to become one. Here are 50 Ways to Become a Millionaire Fast
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Keep in Mind
This coming Tuesday is Primary Election day in my County, which means we’re choosing who will decide how we live. This ballot also has a lot of referendums.
I recently learned that of the 39 candidates running for the judge, the Bar Association considers some Highly Qualified to decide how our laws are enforced while others are Unqualified.
Wherever you vote, keep in mind, anyone can get themselves on ballots then run marketing campaigns with nice slogans and attractive images that can be as misleading as ads promoting the benefits of cigarette smoking in the 1950s.
Here are ways to make sure you know who and what you’re voting for: