– Albert Einstein
Because intelligence is how our minds gather and use information, consider:
Vertical thinking is when we solve problems logically, like deciding to have more money by working longer and harder.
Lateral thinking finds novel solutions to straightforward problems. For wanting more money, a lateral approach could start with deciding why a bigger bank account is desired. Perhaps a fun, satisfying life can be enjoyed without extra jobs.
Bilateral thinking involves seeing two sides to situations [the light and the shadow] and balancing logical problem solving with imaginative possibilities. Bilateral thinking has been called a way of drawing, “from both sides of the brain in such a way that creativity is enhanced with one foot in Wonderland and the other solidly standing in the real world.” Read more.
So, have fun today [tomorrow and forever]. Here are 17 ways to develop your creativity.
Remember: February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day. Enjoy!

IMAGE: © canstockphoto.com/iqoncept/
Fingernails are flattened claws.
Men have nipples because all people start life as females. Nipples are remnant-reminders.
People produce enough spit during a lifetime to fill two swimming pools, which is part of the uvula’s job. [The uvula is that pink bulb dangling at back of throat.]
Source for these Shocking Truths.
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Experiencing awe could be another way of exercising the mind. I felt my brain doing calisthenics while watching this wonderful video. [4:30] Click to view.