Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.
– Albert Einstein
Beyond previewing ‘coming attractions,’ how else can imagination help? One of the best answers comes from John The Librarian’s blog where he writes:
Imagination is what enables us to recognize that, despite our differences, there are many things that are universal to human existence – pain, suffering, frustration, happiness, love, joy, yearning … [Imagination] allows us to overcome the fear of the Other and accept them as one of our own.
Imagination, more than anything else, is what truly differentiates us from other animals. Read more of this timely message.
Monday, February 8 is National Kite Flying Day which makes me think of another Einstein statement, “Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you everywhere.” So, why not let some of your eight types of imagination soar. See where they fly. Here’s how to make kites from plastic bags. Watch.
I suspect picking early February to go out and fly kites must be from southerners. For the more northerly and snowbound, mark your calendar! April is National Kite Flying Month. If not this Monday, definitely plan on flying bunches of kites during those Spring-y thirty days.
This Post also acknowledges that, this week, Margaret Rebecca Kimball Gould Blakely attained the best of wings after successfully completing her Earth-bound journey of 93 years. Thanks for everything, Mom.

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Speaking of kites, reports that, so far:
- The longest kite was 3,394 feet
- The fasted recorded kite flew at 120 mph
- A kite once flew for 180 hours straight and
- A Japanese kite-maker flew the most kites, 11,284 on a single line
Diamonds and Triangles
Baby Quilt & Wall Hanging
Diamonds and Triangles is my one-of-a-kind, reversible, dual-purpose 24″ x 36″ quilt designed to both cuddle babies and display as wall art. Dramatic African prints form the top.
“Diamonds and Triangles” is reversible and is backed by a single fabric of joyfully-dancing figures. To display as wall art, a sleeve for a rod [of this dancing figures fabric] will accompany the quilt. 100% cotton. $250.