– Albert Einstein
During my childhood, I liked Saturday morning cartoons like Mighty Mouse [“Here I come to save the day!”] and Bugs Bunny. At night, I always enjoyed Hollywood musicals like The King and I, Oklahoma and State Fair. There were so many fabulous songs. A favorite is from South Pacific’s “Happy Talk,” which says,
You gotta have a dream, if you don’t have a dream, How you gonna have a dream come true? Listen here.
In the United States on this coming Tuesday, some will watch a ground hog to learn how much longer winter will last. Because February 2nd is halfway between Solstice and Equinox, winter will always last six more weeks, whether or not that chubby critter sees its shadow.
Ancient cultures celebrate this mid-winter event as a time to “wash the Earth’s face,” a time to clean all that’s become old and haggard so that fresh, pure possibilities can shine.
This week, why not fantasize about 2021? Pick three, wonderful dreams. Write them each morning. See what comes true, what gifts arrive by year’s end.

IMAGE: © canstockphoto.com/iqoncept/
The gold in Earth’s core could cover every inch of this planet [the oceans, mountains and continents] with a four-foot-thick layer of that shining metal. Source
Over 13 billion years after the universe was born, that birth can be watched in the static on television. Source
I’ve heard there’s more space between the stars than between the particles in atoms. I just read that – if the contents of the atoms from all 7.8 billion people on Earth were gathered, that mass would fill an apple. Essentially, we’re 99.99999% empty space. Source
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Diamonds and Triangles
Baby Quilt & Wall Hanging
Diamonds and Triangles is my one-of-a-kind, reversible, dual-purpose 24″ x 36″ quilt designed to both cuddle babies and display as wall art. Dramatic African prints form the top.
“Diamonds and Triangles” is reversible and is backed by a single fabric of joyfully-dancing figures. To display as wall art, a sleeve for a rod [of this dancing figures fabric] will accompany the quilt. 100% cotton. $250.
Shop here