–Alexis De Veaux
A phrase that makes me smile [sometimes grimace] are Seneca’s words about how those who go willingly are guided by The Fates while those who resist are dragged. I smile thinking of times I’ve resisted changes of habits, work and associations and had to be dragged in new directions.
Change can be difficult. It means stepping away from the familiar and into the unknown. It can also be vital. In researching good reasons for change, I found a list of ten reasons, including new opportunities for happiness and the fresh starts that add excitement to life. Read more.
Another list offers twelve benefits, such as the increased resilience, versatility and confidence that build strength. Read more.
Change. Hmmm. Now I’m thinking: What must be modified before The Fates drag me again? What door must close so that new ones open? How can I feel more alive? The answers are challenging.
How about you? When has a change helped? Why not share a few words? Comment on this post [Leave A Reply below].

Yes, this week’s video is basketball-basketball-basketball, with heart-lifting moments that beautifully express the Succeed and Soar spirit. I hope you’ll watch and help “I Wanna Fly” pass 6 million views. They’re close.

Social distancing and quarantining has definitely limited entertainment options. Next week, the heavens offer two marvelous and free shows. With a waning, quarter moon, they will be easy to see.
Here’s how to find the celestial star shows. [Fortunately, as Earth spins, Pittsburgh will turn toward those constellations at night, rather than during daytime,]
- For summer’s best and brightest, see the Perseids
- Also view The Delta –Aquariids and alpha Capricornids

The original image was shot with a Nikon Coolpix camera. The jpg was “developed” in Adobe PhotoShop Elements using the Accented Edges filter, with color enrichment to enhance and better differentiate the leaves.
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