Might the one place on Earth with more human diversity than the United States – races, religions, ethnicities, etc. – be the planet itself? Because of all these differences, the U.S. has extraordinary potential.
A personal goal for a Life Well Lived could be to ‘live out loud,’ vibrant and enthused as Zola said. Along the way, that individual energy could make the world great [in addition to America].
On Wednesday night, in the first episodes of the CBS TV show Tough As Nails, I saw two challenges which seem like metaphors for how wealth is achieved. One trial was of individuals seeking to win ahead of everyone else. The other test involved people working together to reach First Place as a team. Most heartwarming was how opponents encouraged other’s efforts best efforts.
Thank you, Phil Keoghan [also the host], Louise Keoghan and Anthony Carbone for producing a program that reminds what makes human beings everywhere Great. Check out Tough As Nails.
NOTE: The videos offered with each post are chosen for visual interest, inspiration, ideas and brevity. This week, enjoy an uplifting and lovely moment from the movie Akeelah and The Bee.

A lovely, 4-minute scene where Akeelah recites Marianne Williamson’s precious and encouraging poem, that includes: As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
Outdoor Movie Theaters
A favorite summer memory from childhood was watching movies under the stars. Thank goodness, drive-in movies remain. During these social distancing times, here are ways to find them:
- 18 Best Drive-in Theaters
- 7 Drive-in’s [relatively] close to Pittsburgh
- Create your own theater under the stars
Each week, a featured item is offered at 25% off [plus any discounts offered by my Galleries]. This week, “Shasta Daisies” is on sale. Shop here.
Thank you to everyone who visits the galleries and for your purchases. They support Succeed and Soar.
The original image was shot with a Nikon Coolpix camera. The jpg was “developed” in Adobe Photoshop Elements 14. In addition to enriching the color saturation and vibrance, the image was processed through a filter that gives the Watercolor effect.