Teresa of Avila
- Limitless is your potential. Magnificent is your future. Gordon B. Hinckley
- Be magnificent. Life’s short. Get out there. You can do it. Everyone can do it. Everyone. -Andy Serkis
When we focus on special gifts that allow happiness, what wonderful lives become possible. What joys can bloom in the world. Read the entire Declaration of Independence that begins: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for a people to dissolve political bands which have connected them with another …
I hope you enjoy this “Paths to Joy” series. I’m working on a beautiful little book. When it’s finished, Join My Mail List and you’ll be the first to know.
Each “Path to Joy” and its art is in this special section here at Succeed and Soar. Stop by for refreshments, and be sure to view The Right Cut [Kut Kings] video. This true story about a barber shop on wheels will warm your heart, make you smile and shed a tear of joy.

In The Right Cut [Kut Kings], these inspiring minutes show people – from an ex-felon to a state governor — allowing the magnificence that will bring joy to your heart. Share. More folks should see this.
A Path to Joy Arts Meditation: Your Magnificence
What I like best about the picture
The glowing flowers.
They’re like a meadow of Independence Day fireworks, seeds grown into fields of bright possibilities.
What does this picture teach?
I understand each Illustrated Wisdom is a symbol-rich reminder from my heart and soul to my mind. This one teaches that I exist in a field of many who glow with magnificent talents.
How can these insights lead to joy?
Marianne Williamson gives a great answer,
We are all meant to shine,
As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.
Read entire poem
Seek joy!
These ‘Paths to Joy’ are adapted from The Treasure Chest, an old book I found years ago. Page 117 contained “The Twelve Rules of Happiness.” Of special delight is using paints markers and ink to illustrate meditations inspired by this wisdom. The technique is adapted from the book Visual Journaling, Going Deeper Than Words, by Barbara Ganim and Susan Fox.
For information about and to purchase the art, visit Sandra’s Galleries.