– Eleanor Roosevelt
Blessings and best wishes during this season of holy-days that celebrate the return of the sun’s light.
Be Honest with Yourself
- Who am I?
- Am I really who I am?
- Am I all I ought to be?
- Mind Café’s “Liberate yourself by telling yourself the truth.”
- GoodTherapy‘s “Live Your Truth”
- And PsychCentral suggests: Step into other people’s shoes, Accent the positive, Forgive yourself.
Do Your Best
Under any circumstance, always do your best, no more and no less. But keep in mind that your best is never going to be the same from one moment to the next. Everything is alive and changing all the time, so your best will sometimes be high quality, and other times it will not be as good …
If you have done your best and your inner Judge tries to judge you, you’ve got the answer: “I did my best.” Read More
- The ability to love oneself and be concerned with ones happiness
- An empathetic love that exists in families
- The fondness found in friendships
- Romantic passion, and
- Open-hearted, unconditional and world-embracing spiritual love
To be more loving, WikiHow says,
- Share Your Love by serving others, reflecting on personal mistakes, surrounding yourself with people who are loving, practicing forgiveness and writing down positive experiences [buy a few of Sandra’s Gifts journals].
- Understand Love by letting go of fantasy love, evaluating your behavior and not expecting anything in return.
- Work on You by being more hopeful and growing. Read More.
If I could choose one super power, I would want to be able to make everyone love everyone!
Betsey Johnson
- January 26: Day of Goodwill and National Thank You Note Day. Here are sample Thank You notes, including for the worst gifts ever.
- December 27 Fruitcake Day [Okay, so why are the ones I like missing at Costco again this year? Must I do a version of the song-dance “Fancy Like” that got Oreo shakes back at Applebee’s? ]
- December 30 National Resolution Planning Day. Here are guides from Psychology Today
- December 31 National Champagne Day
Succeed and Soar!

What a fun way to spend an afternoon, especially Monday, December 27, “Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day.” Click on snowflakes to enjoy the 5-minute, how-to video.
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Thursday, January 6, 2022 7pm
Succeed & Soar Wisdoms
Beautifully illustrated inspirations and encouragements available as prints, framed and on canvas as well as on journals, greeting cards, weekender bags, shower curtains, puzzles and much more.