No matter how much it gets abused, the body can restore balance.
The first rule is to stop interfering with nature.
– Deepak Chopra
Succeed and Soar‘s Thrive! shares insights that can improve life’s quality. This post presents “Posture, More Than Standing Straight.”
The Cleveland Clinic defines posture as how we hold our bodies when sitting or moving, which can affect our health. Harvard Medical School says good posture is:
- Chin parallel to the floor
- Knees even and pointing straight ahead
- Body weight distributed evenly on both feet
- Read more
In addition, Medline,The National Library of Medicine, writes that poor posture—slouching and slumping—can:
- Misalign the musculoskeletal system
- Wear away the spine
- Cause neck, shoulder, and back pain
- Make it harder to breathe and digest food
Medline’s posture-improvement recommendations include,
- Stay active
- Maintain healthy weight
- Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes
When sitting for long periods, Medline suggests,
- Take brief walks
- Keep feet on floor with ankles in front of knees
- Keep elbows close to body
- Make sure back is fully supported
Barrington Orthopedic Services reminds that good posture:
- keeps bones and joints in optimal alignment and decreases wear and tear on supportive structures
- engages abdominal muscles, creating a sturdy and supportive core for entire body
- focuses on keeping body weight centered over the feet.”
NOTE: Because so much more information about posture and overall health is available, check linked articles for more guides. Also see this post’s video [below].
The Importance of Good Posture, Even When Sitting
Click Here to View
Length: 4 Minutes
- Why It’s Important to Maintain Good Posture [1 Minute]
- Benefits of Good Posture [4 Minutes] This TEDx Murat DalKilinc is an animation that starts when clicked.
- Perfect Posture in 100 Seconds [6 Minutes]
- What Happens When You Sit Too Long [2 Minutes] This video is at bottom of article.
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