-Maya Angelou
Andrew Carnegie was born in Scotland, the second of three children. When he was 13, his family borrowed from a maternal uncle and moved to Allegheny City, now part of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Growing up in Scotland, Andrew Carnegie attended the Free School in Dunfermline, founded by Adam Rolland of Gask, a philanthropist, judge and co-founder of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. When young Carnegie reached the United States, he stopped attending school and studied people, like his mentor, Thomas A. Scott of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
After selling his steel company and becoming one of the world’s richest men, Carnegie worked at distributing his wealth. One project remains the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission. As stated in his Deed of Trust, Carnegie wrote, “I have long felt that the heroes and those dependent upon them should be freed from pecuniary cares resulting from their heroism.” Here are two honorees:
On February 9, 1940, Joseph R. Arcans faced down five lions at Clyde Beatty’s Circus in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Arcans was an animal trainer. While dressing for a performance, the small man heard a commotion and found five lions attacking a man who’d entered their space. Arcans grabbed a 2×4 and kept beating the lions. Even after his stick broke, Arcans kept chasing the lions until all fled.
On October 1, 1971, in Edmonton, Alberta, Malcom R. Aspeslet rescued a co-worker from a huge grizzly. With a small knife, Malcolm climbed atop 800-pound bear and hung on, while his scalp was lacerated, his ears torn off, his arm broken.
Nominate a Hero.
‘Hero’ comes from ancient words meaning demi [half, unfinished, almost]-god and to watch over, to protect. Imagine a world where everyone goes to bed a hero. A “Random Act of Kindness” will do, as in this post’s video [below]. What a world!
Succeed and Soar!
Sandra Gould Ford
Presenting arts experiences to encourage, refresh, enrich creative thinking and inspire.
From ABC’s “America Strong” series, here a 7th grader’s kindness to a stranger wound up being incredibly powerful.

Thanks !