And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
– Revelations 22:2
Metabolism, A Crash Course
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Yes, this video’s breakneck speed made my head spin a few times. That said, an awesome appreciation for what’s required to make my body work was gained.
A lot’s going on inside.
Length: 10:33 Minutes
Metabolism is how energy is converted into materials that grow and maintain bodies. Plants use sunlight to change water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbohydrates [sugars and starches]. Animals consume oxygen, carbohydrates and other things to create carbon dioxide, water and energy. Read more.
Levels Health explains that metabolism is cellular mechanisms that generate energy from our food and environment to power every single cell. When these energy-producing pathways run smoothly, metabolic health, can include,
- Sharp memory and recall
- Sustained endurance
- Fat-burning ability and healthy weight
- Clear skin and less wrinkles
- Improved sexual health
- And more
I first heard the term, ‘metabolic fitness,’ while watching Sara’s Weeknight Meals, a healthy eating and lifestyles show. At the time, I wondered how metabolism and fitness connected and learned there are exercises designed to improve metabolism and provide important health benefits like,
- Improving how efficiently energy moves through the body, so that more can be done in less time.
- Using calories in ways that they continue burning after a workout.
- Increasing aerobic capacity (how much oxygen is used during activities).
- See
While even walking can improve health, here are Metabolic Fitness workout videos that definitely stimulate:
- 30 Minute Total Body Metabolic Conditioning Workout
- 30 Minute METCON Total Metabolic Conditioning
- 45 Minute Workout to Boost Metabolism
In understanding the connection between metabolism and exercise, suspect it’s time for me to get going!
Succeed and Soar!
Sandra Gould Ford
Presenting arts experiences to encourage, refresh, enrich creative thinking and inspire.
As a young mother, I worked at Jones and Laughlin Steel’s Pittsburgh Works during its heyday when over 10,000 people struggled and snoozed, played pranks and died in that fire and brimstone world. I saw the last steel poured inside those bleak walls. I watched those miles of cinder and char change as new life evolved from the mill’s ashes.
Steel Genesis presents images and my experiences of making steel, the metal and human mettle.
Through midnight May 18 EST,, three versions of Steel Genesis, Memoires of Metal and Metal are 25% off. All books have high-gloss, laminated covers.
- 6×9, soft cover, black and white photography. 60 pages. Regular $17.00. This week $12.00 View
- 8×10 hard cover, photo book printed on Premium Lustre Paper. 50 pages. Regular $125. This week $90. View.
- 8×10 trade, soft cover book, standard paper, 50 pages. Regular $69. This week $41. View
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