— Proverbs 23:7
From October 31 to November 2, Earth reaches the seventh of eight celestial turning points, in some cultures called Halloween, All Hallows, Samhain or Day of the Dead [See Succeed and Soar “Scorpio Season” post]. Nights lengthen. Days chill. Seeds go underground, preparing for winter. The Sun shines less from the constellation Scorpio.
Ancient sages saw the moment between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice as a time for engaging life’s depths and facing its paradoxes, the notions, ideas and experiences that force the mind beyond normal limits of thought. They are:
- Contradictions – Statements or ideas that oppose one another
- Ambiguities – Circumstances open to more than one interpretation
- Enigmas – a person or thing that’s mysterious, puzzling and/or difficult to understand’
What can be done when the heart, mind, body or spirit struggles to make sense of inconsistent words and deeds?
To deal with uncertainty, confusion and discord, Conversant recommends affirming personal priorities and “getting clear on your purpose,” including use of the “polarity grid” at How to Manage Paradox.
The Center for Creative Leadership acknowledges that, “conflicting demands and either/or tensions are the norm for many.” One solution is finding balance through “Duality Mapping,” based on the I Ching belief that “everything in the world consists of two opposite elements[yin/yang] that are partially conflicting and partially complementary.” Read more.
Check out these videos
- How to Handle Paradox [5:10 minutes]
- How to Solve the Liar’s Paradox [4:50 minutes]
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