Often bumpy roads lead to beautiful places.
–Dave Martinez
Have you ever faced precious projects you couldn’t bring yourself to finish? These writer tips could help any project.
Inspiration for Writers reminds, “Face it; you’re not going to wake up each morning eager to jump headlong into writing. In fact, most days you won’t even want to get out of bed without hitting the snooze button at least once. Don’t wait for the Muse to sit on your shoulder. She’s a fickle little witch, anyway. You don’t need her. Write without her, just to spite her!” Read more
Dragon Soul Press suggests, “Avoid Burnout – don’t write every day. … In addition to that bad case of carpal tunnel, you wear yourself out by constantly thinking in pushing a story through instead of giving your brain time to absorb and think about what you wrote. You’ll burn yourself out. Give your brain a day off.” Read more
The Writing Cooperative adds,
- Know your niche
- Read a lot
- Schedule time
- Get coffee
- See more tips
Whatever your project, keep going. Check out these inspiring videos!
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