First, please know that tomorrow, January 24 is National Compliment Day. Offer a few. Wednesday, the 27th is National Chocolate Cake Day [Yum!]. Friday is National Puzzle Day. Have fun!
This post begins Succeed & Soar’s Einstein quotes collection.During my research, I found some great support for fairy tales, starting with G. K. Chesterton’s statement, “Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed.”
Dragons became more real that I thought when someone suggested they could be anyone or thing [like a thought] that is a DRAG-ON our spirit, our plans, our progress. So, why not enjoy a fairy tale or two [or three] with your inner child. Here’s a few famous favorites.
Perhaps one reason children who experience fairy tales could be more intelligent happens when they evaluate-discuss themes like those in Little Red Riding Hood [a wolf in disguise], The Three Little Pigs [use the best building materials], Snow White [eat with care] and Cinderella [stand up for yourself instead of waiting for a fairy godmother].
Here are two great resources on the importance of fairytales:
Comment below. Happy reading!
This Einstein series will include some amazing, nature phenomenon, starting with these beautiful, deep-seat creatures. [04:24] Click picture to view. |
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How many licks are needed to reach the center of a Tootsie Roll pop? University experiments on this important matter have used machines and humans Licks range from 252 to 411. Read more.
The Barbie doll’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, from Willows, Wisconsin. Her birthday is March 9, 1959, when she was first displayed at the New York Toy Fair. Read more.
The green computer coding in The Matrix movie is created from symbols in a sushi cookbook. Read more.

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