What does love mean? The ancient Greeks identified several types.
- Philautia: the ability to love oneself and be concerned with ones happiness
- Storge: an empathetic love that exists in families
- Philia: the fondness found in friendships
- Eros: romantic, passionate love
- Agape: open-hearted, unconditional and world-embracing spiritual love
I do believe that existing within these experiences grows our personal heavens on Earth. The opposite [intolerance, stinginess, meanness, prejudice, etc.] are like fire and brimstone.
As this year approaches the season that calls for Good Will toward all, Succeed and Soar’s next postings present meditations on love. In the meantime, share a favorite love experience. Comment below.

A funny [and surprising] 5-minute video about trying to make a blind date work Click picture to view.

- “I believe that we can be extraordinary together rather than ordinary apart.” — Titanic
- “You are the perfect verse over a tight beat.” — Brown Sugar
- “And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.” —Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Five versions of my “Love Seed” Illustrated Wisdom art have been created with Adobe Photoshop. See them in upcoming posts. Support and encourage Succeed and Soar. Purchase the art as prints, ready-to-display canvas or framed. Visit gallery.
Quiz Answers
“You are the perfect verse over a tight beat.” — [Movie] Andre Ellis, Brown Sugar
“And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.” — [Television] The Vampire Diaries