Have you, like me, worked to avoid being upset about this election?
Tuesday morning, I woke with the sobering thought that personal preparations must be made to thrive in a country that could wrap me in energy I don’t want. Therefore, I decided to:
- Become my own sovereign nation
- Create a constitution describing conditions in my territory
- Outlaw certain behaviors in my domain
- Deny border crossings to anyone who violates my country’s laws and constitution.
Where did I get such notions?
First, when a teenager, I discovered Max Ehrmann’s Desiderata which begins, “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste.” Near the end, the poem advises, “whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.” Desiderata ends, “Strive to be happy.”
Second, an Ancient Truth on how to change the world.
Third, this prayer, which begins: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.”
Fourth, The Four Agreements.
Click here for a short and lovely, profound and enlightening video.
Wanderings & Wonders Collection
The inspiring and beautiful work in my Fine Art America collections is available as prints, framed and on canvas as well as on journals, greeting cards, weekender bags, shower curtains, puzzles and much more.
Thanks for your support!
Sandra Gould Ford
NOTE: size and placement of the art and words]can be changed as well as background colors.