Decades ago, I wrote the six ingredients of a successful life on a manila folder and tacked it on my sewing room wall. When I find that advice from time to time, I recall that success is an interior, self-defined experience and am gladdened.
For all of these years, I thought this wisdom’s source was unknown. Ahhh. The internet finds many things. The success advice is from William C. Menninger. Next, I sought a quote to accompany the six success keys and found Thomas Jefferson’s words, “One man with courage is a majority.”
Imagine a world of majorities who create success with these six ingredients:
- SINCERITY: honest, genuine, trustworthy
- PERSONAL INTEGRITY: upright, whole, moral
- HUMILITY: modest, free from pride
- COURTESY: polite, respectful, kind
- WISDOM: good sense, sane, smart
- CHARITY: caring, offering assistance, good will
Onward and Upward
Sandra Gould Ford