Life Well Lived 9: Something That Wasn’t There Before
The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something [delightful] that wasn’t there before. Neil Gaiman Mini Loaves of...
Welcome to inspirations and wisdom especially chosen to encourage, refresh, enrich creative thinking and inspire.
Inspirations, encouragements, beautifully illustrated and enriching insights for life well lived.
The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something [delightful] that wasn’t there before. Neil Gaiman Mini Loaves of...
The creative personality seems never to grow old but rather, simply grow. – Alden B. Dow Whether you have or...
To change is to be vulnerable. And to be vulnerable is to be alive. –Alexis De Veaux A phrase that...
What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. – Helen...
The best things in life come in threes. Friends, dreams, and memories. Mencius Because the number three was also the...
I took three steps and found myself in Paradise. The first step was a good thought, the second, a good...
If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live...
Too much of a good thing can be wonderful. —Mae West On a Wise Walk as part of the Cooper...
Attend to and nourish the garden of your becoming. -Jean Houston This post begins the new Succeed and Soar theme:...
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